Task 24
Task 24
SHC Task 24

Active Solar Procurement

Active Solar Procurement

Active Solar Procurement GraphicThis web site has been developed to promote Cooperative Solar Procurement to potential buyers.

It is hoped that the content of this web site will assist potential buyer groups to cooperate in a series of procurement efforts, increasing the market for solar water heaters through improved cost-performance of the products.

Topics include:

  • Highlights of the market potential,
  • Examples of applications in different countries,
  • Descriptions of typical solar water heating systems,
  • Solar water heaters as products for competitive business growth, and
  • Solar water heating to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The content of this web site has been written by an international collaboration under the International Energy Agency's (IEA) Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) task 24 Solar Procurement, with support from IEA CADDET Renewable Energy. The content was last revised in June 2003.

Task Information

April 1998March 2003

Hans Westling